Baptism of Infants / Young Children (up to age 6)
St Philip Benizi offers private (family) baptisms of infants to young children up age 6), held usually on Saturdays between 10 AM and 2 PM depending on time and space availability.
The cost of the infant/young child baptism is $250, a non-refundable deposit of $100 is to be paid at the time of application and time/date selection.
As per Canon Law, Godparents must be fully initiated in the Catholic Church (baptized, confirmed and having received first communion), and if married or living with someone, must be married to that person in the Catholic Church.
Additionally, both Parents and Godparents must either take Baptismal Preparation Class here at St. Philip Benizi Parish (offered monthly in both English and Spanish) or show proof of having taken a Baptismal Preparation Class at another parish within 18 months of the proposed baptism.
For more information, please call the Parish office at (714)-870-3610.
Baptism of Children above six years of age, Teens
Unbaptized children above six years of age and teens are required to enter into a sacramental preparation program of two years for children and teens (to correspond to the parish first communion and teen confirmation programs).
Registration for these programs generally takes place in June and July, with the programs beginning in mid-late August. Those faithful to the program would receive their sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and (first) Eucharist at the Easter Vigil of the second year of the program. For more information about registration and cost (equivalent to the costs of the first communion / confirmation programs) call the Parish Faith Formation office at.
For more information, please call the Faith Formation office at (714) 870-0561.
Baptism of Adults / Reception of Adults baptized in non-Catholic Communities wishing to enter into full Communion with the Catholic Church (RCIA)
St. Philip Benizi Parish offers a year-round adult sacramental program in both English and Spanish for unbaptized adults and adults baptized in other Christian communities seeking to enter into full Communion in the Catholic Church, following the model of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
The duration of the process for each individual seeking to be baptized or to enter into full Communion with the Catholic Church will depend on his / her particular circumstances. However, since the primary stage in the process, the Catechumenate, is built around the Seasons and Major Feasts of the Liturgical Year, those inquiring should expect the process to take at least one full Liturgical Year, with Baptism and Full Reception into the Catholic Church taking place at the Easter Vigil following at least one full Liturgical Year of prayerful and faithful participation in the Catechumenate.
For more information, please call the Faith Formation office at (714) 870-0561.
Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation for Adults already baptized in the Catholic Church.
Preparation Courses for adults who were already baptized in the Catholic Church, yet who have not received First Communion or Confirmation, are offered twice a year, in the Fall and Winter. Those completing the course and without any other impediments to receiving the sacraments generally receive them at Pentecost.
For more information, please call the Faith Formation office at (714) 870-0561.
Sacraments of First Communion and First Reconciliation for Children and Teens
In line with Diocesan norms, St. Philip Benizi Parish offers a two-year program in both English and Spanish) for First Communion and First Reconciliation for both Children and Teens (in both English and Spanish), Registration generally takes place in June and July. Classes generally begin in August.
For more information, please call the Faith Formation office at (714) 871 -0561.
Sacrament of Confirmation for Teens.
In line with Diocesan norms, St. Philip Benizi Parish offers a two-year program for reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation for Teens (teen instruction in English, sessions with parents offered in both English and Spanish). Registration generally takes place in June and July. Classes generally begin in August.
For more information, please call the Faith Formation office at (714) 871 -0561.
Family Participation in the Preparation Programs for First Communion for Children and Teens and Confirmation for Teens.
Both First Communion and Confirmation programs follow a “Family Catechesis” model which involves the parents in their children’s / teens’ preparation for the reception of these sacraments. A virtual necessity during the time of Covid-19, this approach has proven remarkably popular with parents who to their surprise have found that they actually know more about their faith than they previously thought, and deepened it during the course of their children’s preparation.
For more information, please call the Faith formation office at (714) 871 -0561.
Sacramental preparation for both First Reconciliation / First Communion via the Montessori model “Catechism of the Good Shepherd.”
In addition to offering, the above more traditional though also family involved programs for reception of First Reconciliation / First Communion, St. Philip Benizi has been truly blessed to offer in both English and Spanish a multiyear program called the “Catechism of the Good Shepherd” based on the Montessori model for learning.
For more information about this lovely program, please call the Faith Formation office at (714) 870-0561.